1610, Claudio Monteverdi published the five vesper psalms (sung at all Marian feasts), preceded by the standard introitus prayer (verse and response), followed by a hymn (Ave maris stella), the Ave Maria (sonata), and concluded with the the Cancticle of Mary (the Magnificat). Normally, in a worship service of that era, all psalm prayers are preceded by an antiphon, which is then repeated after the Psalm. It is likely - but scholars still disagree on this - that the repetition of the antiphon after the Psalm could be replaced or supplemented by a 'spiritual concerto'. That is what Monteverdi does here. If one wants to perform it as a whole (whether that is the intention remains fragwürdig), one should at least sing an antiphon preceding each Psalm. Plenty of choice. See the old missals/vesperals. You will notice many texts from the Song of Songs (or variations, elaborations on it ), both in the antiphons and in the concertos. In the Christian reading of the Bible, Mary is not only the physical 'mother' of the Lord, but also a symbol for those who confess her Son as Lord: the church. Also called the bridal congregation. In this, Christ is then the groom. From ancient times, the Song of Songs was read in this sense. Interested? I summarised it once in an essay on the libretti of Bach: https://bach.wursten.be/cantatas/mystical_Bach.htm
With regard to music compositon, it is characteristic that Monteverdi builds up, expands, musically unfolds the vesperpsalms entirely from the Gregorian melodies on which these were prayed/sung. As cantus firmus, they are always audible. Perhaps to show the pope, to whom he dedicates this work (application?), how the requirement of the Counter-Reformation (Council of Trent: intelligibility) does not prevent grandiose music. In the concertos, of course, he is free, and we hear the 'new style' in all its virtuoso freedom to play around and portray the text. Completely original is the echo concerto: audi coelum. No biblical text this time, but its own poetic invention, where questions get an answer from 'echo'. Brilliant text (by anonymus) that, in a dialogue at the same time, teaches us the whole Marian dogma.
psalm 69 [70] |
daughters of Jerusalem. That is why the king has loved me and brought me to his sleeping chamber and said to me: Arise my beloved and come. Already winter has passed, the rain is over and gone, flowers have sprouted on our earth, It is time to prune. |
psalm 112 [113] V PULCHRA ES |
Praise, servants, the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord, from now until eternity. From the rising of the sun to its setting, be the name of the Lord blessed. Exalted above all nations is the Lord, and above the heavens His glory. Who is like the Lord our God, who dwells very high but looks on the lowly in heaven and on earth? Out of the dust he raises up the needy and from the mire he raises up the poor To place him with the princes of his people. Who houses the barren, like a mother, pleased with her sons. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always and in the ages of ages. Amen. Beautiful art thou, my beloved, lovely and beautiful, daughter of Jerusalem, Beautiful art thou, my love, lovely and beautiful as Jerusalem, terrifying as an army in battle order. Turn away thine eyes from me, For they have made me flee. I rejoiced because one said to me: To the house of the Lord we shall go. Already our feet are standing in your halls, Jerusalem! Jerusalem, built like a city, in which the community comes together. To it the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord a precept for Israel it is to praise the name of the Lord. For there are the seats of justice, the throne of the house of David. Ask peace for Jerusalem And abundance for those who love her Peace be in thy stronghold, and abundance in thy towers. For the sake of my brothers and my neighbours For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I bid you peace. I have sought the good for you. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always and in the ages of ages. Amen. |
Two seraphim (angels) called out to each other: Holy is the Lord, God Sabaoth, full is the whole earth of his glory. Three are there, who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one. (= comma Johanneum) Holy is the Lord, God Sabaoth, full is the whole earth of his glory. If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the builders labour. If the Lord does not keep the city, in vain watch its watchmen. Pointless is it if ye rise up before dawn, Arise, after ye have been seated (=rested). Ye who eat the bread of sorrows. Pointless is it if ye rise before dawn, He gives it His beloved to sleep: behold, sons are the Lord's inheritance: his reward is the fruit of the womb. He gives it to his lovers in sleep: As arrows in the hand of a mighty one, so are the sons of the displaced. Blessed is the man, who through them Has fulfilled his desire. He is not shamed When he speaks to his enemies in the gate. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always and in the ages of ages. Amen. |
Listen, heaven, to my words Full of longing, drenched in joy - I am listening Tell me, I ask, Who is it that rises there and shines like the dawn that I may praise her? - I will tell Tell me, is it she who, beautiful like the moon and exquisite like the sun, fills with joy the earth, heavens, and seas? - Mary Mary, that lovely virgin, whom the prophet Ezekiel announced as the gate of the East? - Thus it is That holy and blissful gate through which death was driven out and life brought in? - Yes Who always is a reliable mediator between people and God, for debts a cure - a Medium Let us then all follow her (emulate her), through whom we may obtain by grace eternal life. Let us emulate her. - Let us follow This grant us God, the Father, the Son, and the Mother Whose lovely name we invoke as comfort to the miserable . - Amen Praised be thou, Virgin Mary, throughout the ages of ages. |
psalm 147 |
Praise, Jerusalem, the Lord Praise thy God, O Zion. For He has strengthened the bolts Of thy gates, blessed hath He thy children within thee. He brought peace to your borders and He satiates you with the fat of wheat. He makes Himself known on earth, quick runs His word. He makes snow swirl down like wool, scatters the mist/rime like ashes. He casts his ice crystal like spheres: Who shall exist in the face of his cold? He sends forth his word and all melts again; He blows his breath/wind, and the waters flow again. He makes his word known to Jacob, His justice and judgements to Israel. This He has done for no other people nor has He revealed His judgements to them. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, now and always and in the ages of ages. Amen. Hail, star of the sea, gentle mother of God, and ever Virgin, blissful gate of heaven. Ye who hear this 'Ave' from the mouth of Gabriel, establish us in peace By reversing the name of 'Eva'. Break the shackles of sinners, give light to the blind, cast out our evils work all goodness. Show that Thou art a mother; May He through thee accept our prayers, who was born for us, and hast deigned to be thy (Son), Virgin without equal, gentle above all , delivered from our debts, make us gentle and pure. Give, that we may live pure, prepare for us a safe way, so that seeing Jesus, may rejoice together always. Praise be to God the Father, glory to Christ the Most High, and to the Holy Spirit; three worthy of one honour. Amen. |
XII SONATA à 8 sopra |
Holy Mary, pray for us Great, very great, does my soul make the Lord. And beyond itself, my spirit was, because of God who saves me. Because He has seen the humility of His handmaiden For behold, therefore shall all generations praise me blissfully. Because great things have been done to me the Mighty One, Whose name is holy. And his mercy is from generation to generation with those who fear Him. Great things He did with His arm: He scattered those who think highly of themselves. Mighty have He cast down from the throne, and hath exalted the proud. Hungry hath He overloaded with goods, the rich He has sent away, destitute. Israel, His servant/son, He has sustained, remembering His mercy, as He has spoken to our fathers, to Abraham and his seed/offspring for eternity. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, now and always, and in the ages of ages. Amen. |