Rembrandt's Portrait of a Musician: Can it be Heinrich Schütz ?
Short version: No. [In all likelihood it is Constantijn Huygens].
Longer version with arguments and evidence below.
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Dick Wursten, based on an article by Barry
S. Brook and Carol Oja
(on College Music Symposium),
pictures added.

Rembrandt, Portrait of a Musician (more info,
wikimedia commons)
Corcoran Gallery's "Portrait of a Musician" by Rembrandt—signed and dated
1633, though not 100% sure it is 100% authentical — has caused considerable controversy
with regard to the identity of the musician. Three claimants have been presented:
Nicholas Lanier,
Heinrich Schütz, and
Constantijn Huygens. Until a decade ago it was widely accepted
that it might be
Heinrich Schütz, a theory advanced in 1937
by Bruno Maerker.
5 As
proof Maerker compared the painting to one of the three known portraits of
Schütz—that by Christoph Spetner in the Leipzig University Collection
de facto the only authenticated painted portrait, c. 1660. The
other certain portrait is an engraving of August John, c. 1627).
Maerker claimed that the subjects of the two works bore
striking similarity to one another. (
Personal note: Quite odd. The mouth, the hair, the colour of
the eyes: all are... strikingly
And: how dit Rembrandt meet Schütz? There is no evidence (not even indirect) that Heinrich Schütz
ever visited Amsterdam, let alone in 1633. So most iconographers and
Schütz-scholars remained skeptical. In 1963 Otto
Benesch did an effort to link Schütz and Rembrandt through their dealings with
Burckhardt Grossmann, the son of an acquaintance of Schütz.
7 The
Maerker-Benesch theory - although still entirely speculative - was accepted by many musicologists, among whom Hans Joachim Moser—Schütz's
pre-war biographer
Wolfgang Rehm of the
Heinrich Schütz Gesellschaft. Benesch
imagined Schütz going to Amsterdam as a personal 'detour' while travelling from Dresden to
Copenhagen via Hamburg (still quite a detour by the way.) Building such a
speculative identification on
conjectures only is, in my opinion, not a sign of sound scholarship.
On the contrary.
Constantijn Huygens, the most plausible candidate, there is quite a lot of supporting evidence. Not only did he have ample
opportunity to sit for a portrait by Rembrandt, but comparisons of the Corcoran
portrait with authenticated representations of Huygens are most convincing.
10 The
identification of the
musician as being Huygens was made as early as 1942 by the art
historian Edith Greindl,
11 and
has been given further credence in a superb study by
Else Kai Sass -
already in 1971 ! - who
discusses carefully and in detail all literature and available evidence
surrounding the Rembrandt portrait.
12 Much
of the information provided here is drawn from her article.
She refutes with simple and convincing evidence the claim that it's Schütz,
and advances Constantijn
Huygens (1596-1687) —the famous Dutch diplomat, man of letters,
more than gifted amateur
musician, and poet. He was clearly in a position to have been painted by
[see below three pictures of Huygens].

He was in close contact with the master over a number of years,
including 1633. He was Rembrandt's intermediary for many of the works executed for Prince Frederick Henry of Orange. Through Huygens' diaries and
correspondence it becomes clear, that he spent a substantial portion of 1633 in The
Hague, where Rembrandt may also have been while painting
The Elevation of the
Cross. Furthermore - against the only objection: he was not a musician, but
a diplomate, man of letters - Edith Greindl has pointed out that it is not
odd, that Huygens had himself painted with a music scroll. He was proud of his musical accomplishments,
both as a composer and a performer.
13 These
talents had already been highlighted in a portrait painted in 1627 by Thomas de
Keyser, where Huygens was depicted with several instruments on the desk nearby.

final and most convincing evidence, however, rests in a comparison of the
physical characteristics displayed in Rembrandt's portrait with those exhibited
in the many known portraits of Huygens. Not only are the eyes of the same color,
brown (whereas in the known portraits of Schütz, his eyes are blue-gray), but
the lips, hair, and hat are all very similar. Moreover, the sitters in the
Rembrandt portrait and the Paulus Pontius engraving of Huygens dated one year
earlier both wear a ring on their little finger.
One may
conclude that this fine painting at the Corcoran Gallery was undoubtedly
executed by Rembrandt; it does not depict Heinrich Schütz, but rather
Constantijn Huygens. In this portrait Rembrandt appears to have memorialized the
musical accomplishments of the public official and amateur musician with whom he
had dealt on so many occasions.
Maerker, "Rembrandts Bildnis eines Musikers—Ein Schütz-Portrait?", in Deutsche
Musikkultur 2 (1937-38), 329-45.
6The miniature
oil-painting (Deutsche
Staatsbibliothek in Berlin), 'discovered' in 1936, depicting Schütz 85-year old is
a fraud (1929-1935). It was long accepted as authentical. See: Wolfram Steude, "Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der
Schütz-Ikonographie", in Schütz-Jahrbuch 1985/86. Bärenreiter, Kassel
1986, p. 58-61. See also Walter Werbeck,
Schütz Handbuch, p. 18. It's all about 'image-buiding'. The etching of August John of the 42 year old
Schütz depicts him as the
Kapellmeister of the electoral court of Dresden.

Benesch, "Schütz and Rembrandt," Festschrift Otto Erich Deutsch, ed.
Walter Gerstenberg (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1963), 12-19.
Joachim Moser, Heinrich Schütz: Sein Leben und Werk, 2nd rev. ed.
(Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1954),
the authenticated portraits of Huygens are included an engraving by Paulus
Pontius after Van Dyck, which was executed in 1632; a grisaille by Jan Mauris
Quinkhard, now in the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum; a painting by Jan Lievens, housed
in the Rijksmuseum; and a painting by Thomas de Keyser from 1627 that is in the
National Gallery in London.
Greindl, "Un portrait de Constantin Huygens par Rembrandt," Apollo (March
1942), 10-11.
Kai Sass, "Constantijn Huygens—The Musician," in Comments on Rembrandt's
Passion Paintings and Constantijn Huygens's Iconography, by Else Kai Sass,
transl. Jean Nixon and David Hohnen (Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1971),
13Greindl, pp. 10-11.