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breviarium Romanum] |
H.J. Thomson, Prudentius, vol I (1949) (prose translation) |
J.W. Schulte Nordholt, Hymnen 1967 (deels gez. 371) |
J.M. Neale (1854?) |
R. Martin Pope, the hymns of Prudentius (1905) |
Ales diei nuntius lucem propinquam praecinit; nos excitator mentium iam Christus ad vitam vocat.
Auferte, clamat, lectulos aegros, soporos, desides: castique recti ac sobrii vigilate, iam sum proximus.
Post solis ortum fulgidi serum est cubile spernere, ni parte noctis addita tempus labori adieceris.
Vox ista, qua strepunt aves stantes sub ipso culmine paulo ante quam lux emicet, nostri figura est iudicis.
Tectos tenebris horridis stratisque opertos segnibus suadet quietem linquere iam iamque venturo die.
Ut, cum coruscis flatibus aurora caelum sparserit, omnes labore exercitos confirmet ad spem luminis.
Hic somnus ad tempus datus est forma mortis perpetis, peccata ceu nox horrida cogunt iacere ac stertere.
Sed vox ab alto culmine Christi docentis praemonet, adesse iam lucem prope, ne mens sopori serviat:
Ne somnus usque ad terminos vitae socordis opprimat pectus sepultum crimine et lucis oblitum suae.
Ferunt vagantes daemonas laetos tenebris noctium, gallo canente exterritos sparsim timere et cedere.
Invisa nam vicinitas lucis, salutis, numinis rupto tenebrarum situ noctis fugat satellites.
Hoc esse signum praescii norunt repromissae spei, qua nos soporis liberi speramus adventum Dei.
Quae vis sit huius alitis, salvator ostendit Petro, ter antequam gallus canat sese negandum praedicans.
Fit namque peccatum prius, quam praeco lucis proximae inlustret humanum genus finemque peccandi ferat.
Flevit negator denique ex ore prolapsum nefas, cum mens maneret innocens, animusque servaret fidem.
Nec tale quidquam postea linguae locutus lubrico est, cantuque galli cognito peccare iustus destitit.
Inde est quod omnes credimus, illo quietis tempore quo gallus exsultans canit Christum redisse ex inferis.
Tunc mortis oppressus vigor, tunc lex subacta est tartari, tunc vis diei fortior noctem coegit cedere.
Iam iam quiescant inproba, iam culpa furva obdormiat, iam noxa letalis suum perpessa somnum marceat.
Vigil vicissim spiritus quodcumque restat temporis, dum meta noctis clauditur, stans ac laborans excubet.
Iesum ciamus vocibus flentes, precantes, sobrii: intenta supplicatio dormire cor mundum vetat.
Sat convolutis artubus sensum profunda oblivio pressit, gravavit, obruit vanis vagantem somniis.
Sunt nempe falsa et frivola, quae mundiali gloria ceu dormientes egimus: vigilemus, hic est veritas.
Aurum, voluptas, gaudium, opes, honores, prospera, quaecumque nos inflant mala, fit mane, nil sunt omnia.
Tu, Christe, somnum dissice, tu rumpe noctis vincula, tu solve peccatum vetus novumque lumen ingere.
The bird that heralds day forewarns that dawn is at hand; now Christ, the awakener of our souls calls us to life.
" Away," He cries, " with beds that belong to sickness, sleep, and sloth. Be pure and upright and sober and awake, for now I am very near.”
It is late to spurn the couch after the shining sun is up, unless by adding a part of the night thou hast given more hours to toil.[2]
The loud chirping of the birds[1] perched under the very roof, a little while before the light breaks forth, is a symbol of our Judge.
As we lie closed in by foul darkness, buried under the blankets of sloth, He bids us leave repose behind, for day is on the point of coming ;
that when dawn besprinkles the sky with her shimmering breath she may make us all, who were spent with toil, strong to embrace the hope of light.
This sleep that is given us for a time is an image of everlasting death. Our sins, like foul night, make us lie snoring ;
but the voice of Christ from the height of heaven teaches and forewarns us that daylight is near, lest our soul be in bondage to slumber,
and to the very end of a slothful life sleep lie heavy on a heart that is buried in sin and has forgotten its natural light.
They say that evil spirits which roam happily in the darkness of night are terrified when the cock crows, and scatter and flee in fear ;
for the hated approach of light, salvation, Godhead, bursts through the foul darkness and routs the ministers of night.
They have foreknowledge that this is a sign of our promised hope, whereby being freed from slumber we hope for the coming of God.
What this bird signifies the Saviour showed to Peter, when He declared that ere the cock crew He should be thrice denied.
For sin is committed before the herald of coming day sheds light on the race of men and brings an end of sinning.
So he who denied Christ wept for the wickedness that fell from his lips while his mind remained upright and his heart kept faith;
nor ever after did he speak any such word by slip of tongue, and when he heard the cock crow he was made a just man and ceased to sin.
Hence it is that we all believe it was at this hour of rest, when the cock crows in his pride, that Christ returned from the dead.
Then was the strength of death crushed, then was the law of hell subdued, then did the stronger potency of day force night to flee.
Now, now let wickedness sink to rest, now let dark sin fall asleep, now let deadly guilt wither away, the victim of its o slumber ;
and let the spirit in its turn awake, and for the time that remains, while the night's course is drawing to a close, stand and be active at its post.
Let us call on Jesus -with our voices, in tears and prayers and soberness ; earnest supplication keeps the pure heart from slumbering.
Long enough has deep forgetfulness, as we lay curled up, pressed heavily on our sense and buried it while it wandered in baseless dreams.
Surely false and worthless are the things we have done because of worldly glory, as though we did them in sleep. Let us awake ! Reality is here.
Gold, pleasure, joy, riches, honour, success, all the evil things that puff us up, — comes morning, all are naught.
Do Thou, O Christ, scatter our slumbers. Do Thou burst the bonds of night. Do Thou undo our long-established sin, and pour in upon us the light of the new day.
De haan kraait dat de dag begint, het licht het duister overwint. Christus spreekt in het hart ons aan om tot het leven op te staan.
Sta op uit slaap en nacht, roept Hij, bedwelmend is hun heerschappij. Treed kuis en zuiver aan het licht, en waak: Ik nader ten gericht.
O lig niet langer uitgestrekt wanneer het blinkend licht u wekt, tenzij gij laat nog gisternacht de tijd met werk[2] hebt doorgebracht.
De haan kraait en het vogelheer onder het dak gaat luid te keer vlak voor de dageraad aanbreekt; zo komt de stem die oordeel spreekt.
Ons die het diepe duister dekt, een dek van traagheid neerwaarts trekt, ons wekt hij op om op te staan: ontwaak, ontwaak, de dag breekt aan.
O dat de lichte stralengloed, die heel de hemel blinken doet, ook ons, gebukt in druk en pijn, weer uitzicht geeft op zonneschijn.
Wel is het slapen in de tijd beeld van de slaap in eeuwigheid, waarin de zware zondenacht ons neerdwingt door zijn overmacht,
maar van de hoge klinkt de stem, verkondigend de komst van Hem die opgaat als een dageraad, opdat geen duister meer bestaat.
Opdat de slaap niet langer meer drukt in bedwelming ’t hart terneerm zodat het voor het kwade zwicht en varen laat zijn eigen licht.
De haan kraait door de duisternis, het heil dat nog verborgen is verrijst en kleurt de hele lucht jaagt de demonen op de vlucht.
’t Licht dat zij vrezen is nabij, de goddelijke heerschappij doorbreekt de duisternis met kracht, verjaagt de spooksels van de nacht.
Dit is het teken, weten zij, van onze hoop, het maakt ons vrij van slaap en houdt het hart gericht op God die komt, het eeuwig licht.
Wat deze vogel doet verstaan, dat toont de Heiland Petrus aan; Voordat de haan kraait, zeide Hij, verloochend gij tot driemaal mij.
Als ons het kwaad gevangen houdt weerklinkt de stem van de heraut die met zijn licht ons hart vervult, een einde maakt aan zonde en schuld.
De mens die God verloochend heeft krijgt diep berouw en weent en beeft. De haan die zijn geweten wekt, die heeft hem aan zichzelf ontdekt.
Niet meer, niet meer zal hij voortaan spreken zoals hij heeft gedaan. De haan die zijn geweten wekt, die heeft hem aan zichzelf ontdekt.
Ja dit is onze zekerheid, dat Christus deze stille tijd bij 't luide kraaien van de haan uit 't rijk des doods is opgestaan.
Zo is de macht des doods gestuit, de haan roept luid het leven uit, zo breekt de helse overmacht, de dag is sterker dan de nacht.
Kome het kwade nu tot rust, worde de zwarte schuld geblust, totdat de dood der zonde is verwelkt in eigen duisternis.
De geest zij waakzaam en bereid in wat er rest aan aardse tijd. Totdat het einde der nacht genaakt staat hij en arbeidt hij en waakt.
Roepen wij Jezus, Hem alleen, met vasten, bidden en geween, opdat het innige gebed aan ’t zuiver hart de slaap belet.
Genoeg gewoeld, in slaap geschreid, bedwelmd door de vergetelheid, hoe ketent zij de zinnen nog met boze dromen en bedrog!
Hoe ijdel is en vals en dwaas de wereld en haar trots geraas, niets dan een slaap, een droom, een waan. O waak en neem de waarheid aan.
Goud en genot en voorspoed is en eer en macht slechts duisternis, die in het morgenlicht verdwijnt. O waak totdat de Heer verschijnt.
O Christus, scheur de slaap met kracht en breek de boeien van de nacht, doe van ons weg de oude schuld, dan zijn wij van uw licht vervuld. |
The wingèd herald of the day Proclaims the morn’s approaching ray: And Christ the Lord our souls excites, And so to endless life invites.
Take up thy bed, to each He cries, Who sick or wrapped in slumber lies; And chaste and just and sober stand And watch: My coming is at hand.
With earnest cry, with tearful care, Call we the Lord to hear our prayer; While supplication, pure and deep, Forbids each chastened heart to sleep.
Do Thou, O Christ, our slumber wake: Do Thou the chains of darkness break; Purge Thou our former sins away, And in our souls new light display.
Awake! the shining day is born! The herald cock proclaims the morn: And Christ, the soul's Awakener, cries, Bidding us back to life arise.
Away the sluggard's bed! away The slumber of the soul's decay! Ye chaste and just and temperate, Watch! I am standing at the gate.
After the sun hath risen red 'Tis late for men to scorn their bed, Unless a portion of the night They seize for labours of the light.
Mark ye, what time the dawn draws nigh, How 'neath the eaves the swallows cry? Know that by true similitude Their notes our Judge's voice prelude.
When hid by shades of dark malign On beds of softness we recline, They call us forth with music clear Warning us that the day is near.
When breezes bright of orient morn With rosy hues the heavens adorn, They cheer with hope of gladdening light The hearts that spend in toil their might.
Though sleep be but a passing guest 'Tis type of death's perpetual rest: Our sins are as a ghastly night, And seal with slumbers deep our sight.
But from the wide roof of the sky Christ's voice peals forth with urgent cry, Calling our sleep-bound hearts to rise And greet the dawn with wakeful eyes.
He bids us fear lest sensual ease Unto life's end the spirit seize And in the tomb of shame us bind, Till we are to the true light blind.
'Tis said that baleful spirits roam Abroad beneath the dark's vast dome; But, when the cock crows, take their flight Sudden dispersed in sore affright.
For the foul votaries of the night Abhor the coming of the light, And shamed before salvation's grace The hosts of darkness hide their face.
They know the cock doth prophesy Of Hope's long-promised morning sky, When comes the Majesty Divine Upon awakened worlds to shine.
The Lord to Peter once foretold What meaning that shrill strain should hold, How he before cock-crow would lie And thrice his Master dear deny.
For 'tis a law that sin is done Before the herald of the sun To humankind the dawn proclaims And with his cry the sinner shames.
Then wept he bitter tears aghast That from his lips the words had passed, Though guileless he his soul possessed And faith still reigned within his breast.
Nor ever reckless word he said Thereafter, by his tongue betrayed, But at the cock's familiar cry Humbled he turned from vanity.
Therefore it is we hold to-day That, as the world in stillness lay, What hour the cock doth greet the skies, Christ from deep Hades did arise.
Lo! then the bands of death were burst, Shattered the sway of hell accurst: Then did the Day's superior might Swiftly dispel the hosts of Night.
Now let base deeds to silence fall, Black thoughts be stilled beyond recall: Now let sin's opiate spell retire To that deep sleep it doth inspire.
For all the hours that still remain Until the dark his goal attain, Alert for duty's stern command Let every soul a sentry stand.
With sober prayer on Jesus call; Let tears with our strong crying fall; Sleep cannot on the pure soul steal That supplicates with fervent zeal.
Too long did dull oblivion cloud Our motions and our senses shroud: Lulled by her numbing touch, we stray In dreamland's ineffectual way.
Bound by the dazzling world's soft chain 'Tis false and fleeting gauds we gain, Like those who in deep slumbers lie:-- Let us awake! the truth is nigh.
Gold, honours, pleasure, wealth and ease, And all the joys that mortals please, Joys with a fatal glamour fraught-- When morning comes, lo! all are nought.
But thou, O Christ, put sleep to flight And break the iron bands of night, Free us from burden of past sin And shed Thy morning rays within. |
[1] incorrect translation; ista vox = the cock-crow. It should be: This voice, at which the birds… start chirping, is the symbol of our judge
[2] Dacht Prudentius misschien aan 'goede werken' (geestelijke of andere) ? Did Prudentius think of real labour or did he mean 'spiritual good works' ? cf translation of Martin Pope.