Ausonius' Roses
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A famous classic poem evoking the Paestum Rose gardens is generally attributed to Ausonius (c. 310 - c. 395). It addresses the beauty of the Rose, connecting it to its frailty and short life span (the 'vanity' motif, vana rosa). Below the text of this poem with some translations (Eng/Fr). The most famous parts are those where the 'Paestum' rose is described at Dawn (v. 11-14) and the conclusion: carpe diem to the young girl (v. 47-50).
Elsewhere on this website you find a short biography of Ausonius and a page (in French) about the cultivation of the Rose in ancient times. Also I compiled a florilegium of poems inspired by this poem (Herrick, Ronsard, Gryphius), from imitations to complete translations (e.g. Bonaventure des Periers). |
In een klassiek en ooit wereldberoemd gedicht worden de legendarische Rozentuinen van Paestum bezongen. Het gedicht wordt meestal toegeschreven aan Ausonius (4e eeuw). De 'vana rosa' thematiek (de roos, hoe schoon ook, vergaat zeer snel) is exemplarisch uitgewerkt. Hieronder het gedicht met vertalingen (twee Engelse en één in 't Frans). De Latijnse tekst met twee Nederlandse vertalingen staat op een aparte pagina.
Een korte biografie vindt u via deze link Over Homerus, Aurora en de roze-vingerige dageraad. En ook nog wat over de roos in de klassieke oudheid (Frans-NL)
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Paestum, southern Italy ("Poseidonia" Greek colony, founded in 600 B.C.) was famous for its roses. In 29 B.C. Virgil referred to the beauty and success of its rosaries ...canerem, biferique rosaria Paesti (Georgica IV, 119.) This phrase is oftened interpreted as if the Paestum roses were twice-blooming (biferi = twice-bearing, grammatically belonging to Paestum, not to the rosaria). However, Servius, a grammarian in the 3rd or 4th century AD, commented on Vergil and added a note about Paestum: "Pestum oppidum est Calabriae: in quo uno anno bis nascunt rosae." : Paestum is a town in Calabria, where roses are born (bloom) twice in one year. Ergo: remontant roses. Modern day cultivators often doubt the correctness of Servius' note. |
The flowers of
old roses are quite different from modern ones. Sometime in
the 18th century the Paestum rose seems to
have become extinct but some experts claim traces of it in
roses such as ‘Autumn Damask’. |
[De Rosis Nascentibus]
budding roses
slightly modified |
On newblown
Mediaeval Latin Lyrics |
Idylle XIV , Rosae
Oeuvres complètes
d'Ausone (2 Tomes), t. 2 |
Ver erat et blando mordentia frigora
... et caelestis aquae pondere tunc gravidas. [line
only in old editons]]
rara pruinosis canebat gemma frutectis
10 |
It was spring-time, and the day - brought back by saffron morn - was breathing softly after the biting cold. A shrewder air had run before Dawn, moving me to fore-stall (anticipate) a hot Summer Day. I was straying along the paths dividing the well-watered garden-plots, seeking to drink in the freshness of the day's prime. I saw the rime hanging upon the bending grass or resting on the tops of garden herbs, and round drops rolling together upon the cabbage-leaves. I saw rose-beds shining with dew, just like the ones cultivated at Paestum, at the new light (Morning Star) of the day. Upon the frosted bushes a white pearl glimmered here and there, to perish at the earliest rays of day. |
Spring, and the sharpness of the golden dawn. |
C’était au printemps : la douce haleine du matin et sa piquante fraîcheur annonçaient le retour doré (saffran) du jour. La brise froide encore, qui précédait les coursiers de l’Aurore, invitait à devancer les feux du soleil. J’errais par les sentiers et les carrés arrosés d’un jardin, dans l’espoir de me ranimer aux émanations du matin. Je vis la bruine peser suspendue sur les herbes couchées, ou retenue sur la tige des légumes ; et, sur les larges feuilles du chou, se jouer les gouttes rondes et lourdes encore de cette eau céleste. Je vis les riants rosiers que cultive Paestum briller humides au nouveau lever de Lucifer. Çà et là, sur les arbrisseaux chargés de brouillards, luisait une blanche perle qui devait mourir aux premiers rayons du jour[279]. |
ambigeres raperetne rosis Aurora
ruborem |
20 |
One might doubt whether Aurora steals blushes from the rose, or dayrise donates its colours to these flowers. One is the dew, one the tint, one the morn of both ; for Venus is the one queen both of the morning-star and of the flower. Perchance, too, one is their fragrance ; but that is diffused on the breezes far above us, this, near at hand, breathes forth a sweetness more perceptible. The queen of Paphos, goddess of the star and flower alike, bids both be habited in one purple hue. |
Think you, did Dawn steal colour from the roses, |
On doute si l’Aurore emprunte aux roses son éclat vermeil, ou si le jour naissant donne à ces fleurs la nuance qui les colore[280]. Même rosée, même teinte, même grâce matinale à toutes deux ; car l’étoile et la fleur ont pour reine Vénus : même parfum peut-être mais le parfum de l’une se dissipe dans les hautes régions des airs[281] : plus rapproché, on respire mieux le parfum de l’autre. Déesse de l’étoile et déesse de la fleur, la divinité de Paphos a voulu leur donner à toutes deux la couleur de la pourpre. |
momentum intererat quo se nascentia
florum |
40 |
The time was just at hand for the teeming
buds to split in equal segments. One is close capped with a
covering of green leaves; another flecks her narrow sheath
with ruddy purple ; a third is opening the tip of her
tapering spire and freeing the point of her crimson head.
Another was disengaging at her peak her furled array,
already planning to take count of herself with her petals. |
A moment dies : this bud that was new born
I marvelled at the flying rape of time ; |
Le moment était venu où les germes
naissants de ces fleurs allaient se développer en même
temps. L’une verdoie couverte encore d’un étroit chapeau de
feuilles : l’autre se nuance déjà d’un rouge filet de
pourpre. Celle-ci commence à découvrir la cime effilée de
son haut obélisque, et laisse poindre sa tête empourprée :
celle-là déploie le voile étendu sur son front, avide déjà
de faire compter ses feuilles nombreuses ; et sans plus
attendre elle étale les richesses de son riant calice, et
livre au jour la poussière dorée qu’il renferme. Une d’entre
elles, qui rayonnait naguère de tous les feux de sa
chevelure, pâlit abandonnée de ses feuilles qui tombent. |
conquerimur, Natura, brevis quod gratia
florum: |
50 |
Nature, we grieve that such beauty is short-lived : once
displayed to our eyes forthwith you snatch away your gifts.
As long as is one day, solong is the life of the rose ; her
brief youth and age go hand in hand. The flower which the
bright Morning Star beheld just being born, that, returning
with late evening, he sees a withered thing. So, girl, gather the roses, while the bloom and your youth is fresh, and be mindful that so your life-time hastes away. |
O Earth, to give a flower so brief a grace ! As long as a day is long, so long the life of a rose. The golden sun at morning sees her born, and late at eve returning finds her old. Yet wise is she, that hath so soon to die, and lives her life in some succeeding rose. O maid, while youth is with the rose and thee, pluck thou the rose : life is as swift for thee. |
Nous nous plaignons, nature, que la beauté des fleurs soit fugitive : les biens que tu nous montres, tu les ravis aussitôt. La durée d’un jour est la durée que vivent les roses : la puberté pour elles touche à la vieillesse qui les tue. Celle que l’étoile du matin a vue naître, à son retour le soir elle la voit flétrie. Mais tout est bien : car, si elle doit périr en peu de jours, elle a des rejetons qui lui succèdent et prolongent sa vie. Jeune fille, cueille la rose, pendant que sa fleur est nouvelle et que nouvelle est ta jeunesse, et souviens-toi que ton âge est passager comme elle[283]. |
The texts follows the critical edition of Schenkl (1893) The title is traditional but editorial.
A new critical edition appeared in 1999, edited and annotated by R.P.H. Green, Ausonii Magni Opera (1999 [Oxford Classical Texts]. There the poem is also placed in Appendix A II (p. 262)Green suggests to accept it as Ausonian based on internal evidence. Historiographical elements are neatly summed up by E.F. Sandys in a letter to the Spectator (1904), who is more reticent in his conlusion.
vol. II, pp. 276–81, In Appendice, considered spurious | The generic indication 'Idylle' is traditional but editorial. Corpet's translation was published juxtaposed to a French edition of Ausone by C.L.F. Panckoucke (2 volumes), part of Seconde Série de la Bibliothèque Latine-Française... (Paris 1842-3). It was only in the critical editions of the late 19th Century that line 10 was suppressed. | ||
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